Self-published, 2023; hardcover, first edition, limited to 100 copies, 136 pages, 9¼”x 12¼”, signed on title page.
Rabbit is a limited-edition facsimile of a one-of-a-kind artist’s book, designed as a photographer’s intimate journal and scrapbook. It features over 100 mostly black and white photographs from extended journeys over the past four decades, including the United States, Latin America, and Southeast Asia.
The book contains reproductions of a wide array of personal items and ephemera related to these trips: diary entries, poems, Polaroids, maps, contact sheets, newspaper clippings, found notes and images, and numerous letters and postcards exchanged with family, friends, lovers, and my artistic mentor Robert Frank. In addition, there is an author’s explanatory afterward in the format of a “letter to the reader,” sealed in its own airmail envelope. To recreate the intimate feeling of an original scrapbook, many of these items are separate and distinct objects I have manually trimmed, folded, assembled and bound and attached to the book’s pages.
The project records a meandering, epistolary tale of my rabbit-like wanderings: searching for love and connection, fleeing private demons, trying to disappear down the furthest reaches of a dusty road or jungle river, and hoping ultimately to attain some nirvanic state where I lose myself completely and become one with the world around me. In this sense, the book’s photos should not be viewed so much as a visual record of places or people encountered but as reflections of my state of mind on a very internal journey.
***Please Note: Because each book is finished by hand (as described above), please allow up to 5 months after purchasing for the book to be shipped. Thank you for your patience!***
To see videos & photographs of the book, and how it is finished by hand click here.
If you plan on picking up your book in Portland Oregon — then you should select “PICKUP” rather than “SHIPPING,” and shipping costs will not be charged. (But please be sure you can come to Portland when it’s ready.) Simply click the “PURCHASE” button, then enter your email address , and click the “continue” button — you will see the option to “PICKUP” rather than have it shipped. Bobby will email you to make arrangements for the pickup — so be sure you put your correct email address!***